June 20, 2024

Lara Trump Puts Dems on Notice in PA

The Trump campaign has effectively taken over the Republican National Committee.

When leadership stepped down, Trump backed his daughter-in-law and Michael Whatley to come in as co-chairs so his agenda would be front and center.

For the most part, that is election fraud, and Lara Trump dropped the bomb this week that the RNC is recruiting poll watchers in PA, where fraud has run rampant in the past.

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Pennsylvania, more specifically Philadelphia, is notorious for election fraud.

Having grown up there, I can tell you stories of fraud were regularly in the local news.

One of the most recent instances was a judge who had placed about a dozen fraudulent ballots while winning his race by less than 10 votes.

Now, I have always been clear that in terms of local elections, I believe fraud impacts the results, but it is far more difficult to pull this off in a federal election. Lara Trump is not taking any chances.

While in a Philadelphia suburb, Lara Trump told the crowd, “We want to have an army of people across this country — 100,000 people strong — to ensure integrity in our elections.”

This was part of the RNC’s new “Protect the Vote Tour” that is likely to concentrate on the battleground states that Trump lost in 2020.

Trump continued, “This is unlike anything we’ve ever done before.

“Not only are we training people to be poll watchers, we can train people to be poll workers, to actually work in . . . the tabulation centers where the mail-in ballots come in.”

Co-chair Michael Whatley added, “If we had not had the 400+ attorneys that we had down there, we would be talking about President Gore, not President Bush.

“It has absolutely stuck with me since that day how important it is for us to be in the room.”

This is an absolutely huge deal for the Trump legacy in terms of politics.

The Trump family now has total control of the Republican Party in terms of campaign and overall election support.

This is their election to win or lose.

The problem, however, is that this is an all-or-nothing gambit for Trump.

If Trump wins the presidency but fails to hold the House and take the Senate, it will be deemed a failure, and the same will be said if Trump loses the White House but the GOP takes the Senate and keeps the House.

The promise was that with Trump calling the shots, Republicans would take back the government, so anything less than complete control is a failure.

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