June 18, 2024

Washington Post Floats Replacing Kamala with Hillary

I just read an opinion piece in the Washington Post by Kathleen Parker, and it is arguably the most ridiculous thing I have ever read.

Parker cites the concerns about Biden’s age and Kamala’s unpopularity.

Her answer… replace Harris on the ticket with Hillary Clinton, a 76-year-old rich white woman.

More of the Same

Joe Biden is struggling in polling right now, and there does not seem to be any relief in sight.

Among all of Biden’s other issues, his age is really hurting him right now, as it has become painfully evident that Biden is not right mentally or physically.

If Biden cannot finish the term if he gets re-elected, it would mean that Kamala Harris would take over, arguably the only person on the planet who is less popular than Joe Biden in the Democrat Party right now (Mitch McConnell probably holds the title as least liked in all of politics).

So the question becomes, do Democrats take the risk of removing Harris and putting someone else on the ticket?

I can tell you this flat out… if Dems did do that, they better replace Harris with another minority or they will have a riot on their hands.

And they surely should not replace Harris with Clinton, as Parker suggests.

In her opinion piece, she concluded, “No one has mentioned her as a possible running mate for Biden far as I know, but why not replace Harris with Clinton?

“At 76, she might want no part of it, but it’s hard to retire when you feel your job isn’t done.

“If Biden needs to step down, even those who didn’t vote for Clinton would have confidence in her ability to keep the country on track. It’s just a thought, but worse ideas have met with regrettable success.”

So, she apparently thinks adding an elitist Democrat at the age of 76 will improve the Democrat ticket?

Why won’t the mainstream media allow Clinton to be put out to pasture?

If Hillary is the next best option to Joe Biden in the Democrat Party, that party is far worse off than even I had thought.

And Ms. Parker, you are an idiot for even suggesting it.

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