November 19, 2023

Families of 9/11 Victims Furious At 'Spineless' White House

If you ever want to know what happens when we lose sight of how America's freedom and democracy make this the greatest country in the world, you only have to ask one group of people...

The families of the people who died on Sept. 11, 2001.

Recently, the infamous "Letter to America" written by Usama bin Laden has been going viral online, and the families of 9/11 victims feel like they know exactly who to blame for the deteriorating patriotism happening in America.

Joe Biden, the White House, and the rest of the liberals in our government.

Terry Strada is the wife of Twin Towers victim Tom Strada. She recently appeared on Fox News to explain exactly why young people's ignorance is so upsetting to the families of those who died on 9/11:

If leaders like Biden would show the appropriate amount of love toward this great country, our youth wouldn't be confused as to whether Usama bin Laden or George W. Bush was the bad guy back in 2001.

"I find it appalling," she said. "I mean, it's hard to find words to describe just how upsetting this is to the entire 9/11 community, to have to see these young people out there." She went on:

The truth is, is that they are very misinformed, and they are uneducated and ignorant on the subject.

"We have had spineless — and I mean spineless — leaders in the White House and in the State Department that choose to protect the kingdom of Saudi Arabia over the American people knowing the truth, and we have to remember that the truth is what will always be our best weapon against history repeating itself," Strada continued, adding:

And as long as we have government, our officials that continue to protect the truth from being told, which is that the kingdom funded this terrorist attack, they funded Al-Qaeda, which spread the Wahhabism, which spread this radical Islamism that this young group of people that were born before 9/11 are just so unaware of, because it's not taught in our schools and the parents aren't aware of it.

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