May 21, 2024

VP Polls Puts Senator Tim Scott at Top of List

By now, I am sure you guys are tired of hearing me tout Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.), or perhaps I helped open everyone's eyes to the man.

Either way, my stance has just been justified because new polling on the preferred candidate to be added to the ticket has been released.

By far, at the top of that list was Senator Tim Scott, and we know Donald Trump watches these polls.

Senator Scott is the Man

A recent Harvard-Harris Poll left no doubt about who will have the most impact on Trump at the polls come November, and it was not even close.

I am going to take a victory lap here because I was vindicated on every front.

Rep. Stefanik (R-N.Y.), whom I have railed against incessantly for being Trump’s VP, had the largest negative impact at -11.

She was followed by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem  (-7), North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum (-6), and Tulsi Gabbard (-1). Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Viven Ramaswamy had no impact.

Scott came it at +6, putting him head and shoulders above the crowd.

Additionally, 25% of black voters said they would be more inclined to vote for Trump if Scott was his VP, again, leading the pack.

Here is something else to consider: 23% of Democrat voters said they would consider pulling the handle for Trump if Scott were the vice president, and it was not even close for the runner-up.

Scott also improved Trump’s numbers among Latino voters, polling at 33% more likely.

For some reason, grifter and conman Vivek Ramaswamy is still polling well among members of the GOP, and for the life of me, I cannot figure out why people cannot see through his little scam.

This is a no-brainer, folks… Senator Scott is the only name we need to hear from Trump when he names his VP.

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