May 20, 2024

Trump vice president frontrunner may have emerged

It appears as though North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R) is either at the top or near the top of former President Donald Trump's running mate shortlist. 

The Wall Street Journal recently published a piece demonstrating how Burgum, as of late, has been spending significant time by Trump's side.

"Burgum’s recent proximity to Trump, as a companion on the campaign trail and a surrogate on television and at swanky dinners, has boosted his profile as one of the top candidates for Trump’s running mate," the Journal writes.

Read on to see what Trump likes about Burgum.

If Trump's there, Burgum isn't far behind

The reader may remember that, a little over a week ago, Burgum participated in Trump's huge rally in New Jersey. Trump, in fact, even flew Burgum in.

The New York Post reported, "North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum was a surprise guest on former president Donald Trump’s 'Trump Force One' campaign plane Saturday, joining the presumptive GOP nominee as he flew over a massive Jersey Shore crowd gathering for an oceanside rally."

Burgum went on to give a speech at the rally. Then, more recently, Burgum has been appearing at Trump's ongoing trial in New York City, where he has played another important role: defending Trump in the media.

These are just two of many examples, from recent weeks, showing how Burgum has been consistently by Trump's side.

This is what has led to speculation that Burgum could end up being Trump's vice president.

He's definitely near the top

The Journal, citing sources close to Trump, reports that, not only is Burgun on Trump's running mate shortlist, but he is near the top.

"Trump has Burgum, 67 years old, on an elastic list of contenders. The former president has resisted his advisers’ calls to narrow down the names—but those close to Trump agree the governor is among a handful being taken seriously," the Journal reports.

The question, of course, is what Trump likes about Burgum. Here's what the Journal reports, "Trump likes that Burgum is rich, loyal and good-looking, according to people close with the presumptive GOP nominee."

We, of course, have to take this reporting with a rather large grain of salt, because the source is anonymous, and very often anonymous sources say dubious things. Still, there is no denying that Trump has taken a liking to Burgum.

We are getting closer to the point at which Trump is expected to announce his running mate pick. It is expected to happen at the upcoming Republican National Convention, which will take place in July.

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