June 20, 2024

Trump Attacks Jack Smith as ‘Totalitarian’ After Latest Gag Order Request

Donald Trump is in a real pickle right now, and this means the GOP is in a pickle in this general election.

Special Counsel Jack Smith now wants Trump’s gag order to prevent Trump from being able to criticize the FBI regarding the raid that was conducted at Mar-a-Lago, but I am sure that would also block Trump from saying anything regarding the Russian collusion investigation and FISA warrants.

Trump is now accusing Smith of a “shocking display of overreach.”

This is a Problem

You want to know why so many conservatives wanted to see Ron DeSantis as the nominee? This is it.

Democrats have Trump right where they want him right now.

He is locked in as the nominee, he is now considered a convicted felon, and the gag orders placed against Trump prevent him from talking about the cases.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden and company can lob bombs at him and Trump has to keep it zipped or risk going to jail.

Since Jack Smith has had such a run of luck on gag orders, he is asking for more, looking to prevent Trump from discussing the FBI.

Smith has asked the court to block Trump from making “statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents.”

The filing added that Trump’s “deceptive and inflammatory assertions irresponsibly put a target on the backs of the FBI agents.”

Trump’s attorneys responded that the request is a “shocking display of overreach and disregard for the Constitution” that is “tailor-made to broadly chill protected speech.”

The Trump campaign is now fundraising off this, saying that the new gag order request is a “naked effort to impose totalitarian censorship of core political speech, under threat of incarceration, in a clear attempt to silence”

This is a disaster for Trump, but the good news is that the order is going before Judge Cannon, who has been the friendliest of all the judges to Trump, so he does have a shot of winning this motion.

Since the Bragg hush-money gag order is already in place, if this gag order is approved, Trump will be a sitting duck during the upcoming presidential debate.

The Trump campaign is reeling right now, having lost its national lead in polling and watching battleground polling in virtually every state trend toward Biden.

This was always my fear with Trump being the nominee, and sadly, it all seems to be coming true.

The Trump campaign and the RNC need to figure this all out and do it quick to get the momentum back and put Trump back on top.

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