June 19, 2024

Secret Service agent robbed at gunpoint during Biden's classy California fundraiser

In what can only be termed a shocking turn of events, a Secret Service agent was robbed at gunpoint while on the job.

The agent, who was one of the most prestigious agents in one of the most highly trained agencies in the world, was forced to use his service weapon when he was accosted while on duty just days ago, as The Daily Mail reported.

The robbery took place on Saturday night in California while President Joe Biden was taking part in a swanky fundraising event.

Details from Law Enforcement

According to a report that appeared in Scripps News on Monday, when police from the Tustin Police Department responded to a call, they discovered that the victim was a Secret Service agent who had fired his own gun during the robbery.

Although it is not known whether the culprit sustained any injuries, the Tustin, California Police Department stated that they were still conducting an investigation into the event as of Monday afternoon.

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokeswoman for the Secret Service, verified to journalists that the individual who was robbed was a law enforcement officer from the United States Secret Service.

"The employee discharged their service weapon during the incident but unknown if the assailants were struck," Guglielmi said.

"We are thankful that the employee did not sustain any injuries," he added. Some of the Secret Service official's belongings have since been found.

What was Taken

The offender fled in a silver Infiniti, and the Tustin police posted a photograph of the vehicle and appealed to the public for information.

It was not immediately apparent whether the Secret Service employee had been assigned the responsibility of safeguarding Biden himself during the Los Angeles excursion.

Biden returned to his hotel on Saturday just before 9:00 p.m. and the local police responded to the complaint at 9:36 p.m.

Biden's Movements

Biden flew directly from the G7 in Italy to appear at the California fundraiser that featured appearances from movie stars such as George Clooney and Julia Roberts, comedian Jimmy Kimmel, and former President Barack Obama Saturday night.

He returned to Washington Sunday night after having raised 30 million for the Biden campaign, in what was likely the only good news from the event.

Unfortunately, this is also the event where he (now notoriously) froze on stage and had to be guided off by Obama. The pair were filmed, and that video has gained a lot of traction online, owing partially to concerns for the current president's mental condition.

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