May 21, 2024

RFK Jr. Says He Qualifies for CNN Debate

Several days ago, Joe Biden put a little video together to challenge Donald Trump to a debate.

Trump accepted, including a laundry list of demands that were posted by the Biden campaign.

One of those demands was that no third-party candidates could be included, but RFK Jr. just dropped some bad news on Joe.

Uhm, I have Qualified

In my opinion, I don’t care where they are polling, if they are on the ballot, they need to be heard from, especially in a debate, where the entire country has the opportunity to hear them.

This is why I was so upset that Trump refused to debate during the GOP primary.

Trump’s competition had every right to question his record and the American people deserved to hear it questioned and defended, but that never happened. The idea that simply because he was ahead in the polls justified not debating in front of the American people is ludicrous.

I know that is not a popular opinion, but there are aspects of Trump's record that needed to be defended, and we were robbed of that.

So, here we are again, only this time Kennedy is being blocked, but he says that he meets the qualifiers for the debate set by CNN.

Kennedy defended his right to be on that stage, telling Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, "CNN published a list of criteria for candidates getting in, and we have shown CNN that we meet all of those criteria and that President Trump and President Biden cannot meet those criteria.

"One of the two key criteria, is that every candidate has be on ballots in enough states to get 270 electoral votes by June 20, and we will qualify for that.

“President Trump and President Biden cannot qualify for that because they don't have any electoral votes at this time.

“They are presumptive nominees for their party. They themselves are not on the ballot, and I will be the only one on the ballot.”

Kennedy is also currently polling at 15% or better in at least four national polls, another requirement by CNN, hitting that number in the most recent Harvard-Harris poll, Monmouth poll, Quinnipiac poll, and a CNN poll.

Kennedy is a legitimate contender in this race, and he deserves to be on that stage.

I would also note that Trump does not have a problem with this, as he has openly stated that he would have no problem with Kennedy being on that stage.

It will be really interesting to see what CNN does here because they don’t want to lose Biden for this debate, but with Kennedy putting up a fuss and Trump now saying that he wants Biden to take a drug test before the debate, I will be shocked if this actually goes off.

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