May 21, 2024

RFK Jr.: ‘I Qualify’ for CNN Debate

Joe Biden… we have a problem.

When Joe Biden said he would debate Trump, he gave a list of demands.

One was a friendly network, which he got in CNN, and another demand was no third-party candidates, which just had a wrench thrown into it.

Sorry, Joe

Even with Joe’s list of demands, CNN posted qualifiers for its debates.

According to Kennedy, he meets the requirements and he should be on that stage.

Kennedy told Fox News, "CNN published a list of criteria for candidates getting in, and we have shown CNN that we meet all of those criteria and that President Trump and President Biden cannot meet those criteria.

"One of the two key criteria is that every candidate has to be on ballots in enough states to get 270 electoral votes by June 20, and we will qualify for that. President Trump and President Biden cannot qualify for that because they don't have any electoral votes at this time.

“They are presumptive nominees for their party. They themselves are not on the ballot, and I will be the only one on the ballot.”

Biden is adamant that he does not want to give any juice to Kennedy’s campaign by allowing him on that stage, so it will be very interesting to see if Joe uses this as a way to back out of the debate.

Trump is also creating an issue by saying that he wants Biden to take a drug test before the debate to prove that he is not on anything to keep him alert.

Call me crazy, but I will be shocked if these debates actually take place.

Biden is truly scared of Kennedy at this point, with polling showing that he and the other third-party candidates pull slightly more from his campaign than they do Trump’s.

Biden’s fear is that if Kennedy gets a big voice, more liberals could slide over to him than are already leaving Democrats.

So, again… don’t be surprised to see the debates canceled once Kennedy officially meets CNN's criteria for this debate.

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