June 26, 2024

Rachel Morin’s Mother Blasts Biden for Not Reaching Out

Throughout his presidency, Joe Biden has avoided discussing the victims of violent crimes by illegal immigrants.

Donald Trump, both then and now, has always reached out to these families to offer condolences.

The mother of Rachel Morin, who was allegedly killed a the hands of an illegal immigrant, recently commented on how Trump reached out to her as well as Joe Biden just completely ignoring the family.

Thanks, Donald

Morin went missing on August 5, 2023, after she left home to go for a walk on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail in Maryland.

When she did not return home from her walk, her boyfriend reported her missing.

The next day, her dead body was found by the trail.

Victor Antonio Martinez Hernandez, an illegal alien from El Salvador with ties to the MS-13 Gang, was arrested for her rape and murder on June 15, 2024, bringing immigration right back to top of mind for everyone in this country.

Rachel’s mother, Patty, was recently contacted by Donald Trump to offer his condolences to the family, which the Morin family truly appreciated.

What they did not appreciate, however, was being completely ignored by the current president.

She stated, “It’s like they’re pretending these immigration problems don’t exist and people aren’t being harmed and killed by their policies.

“The victims are those that are being killed but also their loved ones that they’ve left behind. It’s devastating to the community.”

And make no mistake about it, Martinez Hernandez was in this country because of Joe Biden’s failed immigration policies.

He had been deported several times under this administration, only to re-enter.

The last time, he made his way into the country via California, having clearly learned his lesson that New Mexico and Texas were not playing around.

After crossing in California, he allegedly assaulted a woman and her child before he made his way across the country to Maryland, where he allegedly raped and killed Morin.

Ms. Morin commented on her conversation with Trump, stating, “Mr. Trump was actually very genuine.

“I think you can tell in a person’s voice. From his voice, he sounded genuinely concerned, as if he, himself, had experienced a loss.”

Patty’s loss is on Biden, and her family is now without their beautiful daughter because Biden refuses to lock down our border.

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