May 15, 2024

Popular Podcaster Squared Off Against Pelosi

Musician, writer, and podcaster Winston Marshall recently debated Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

The Oxford Union debate drew national attention, going viral online.

The general reaction was that Marshall exposed Pelosi, but Marshall disagreed, saying that she exposed herself.

She Did It to Herself

Let’s face facts… there was plenty of ammo supplied by Pelosi over the last few years that could have been used.

Marshall even stated that he could have gone after her for what appears to be blatant insider trading, but he thought that would be in “bad taste.”

He also noted that he could have criticized Pelosi for bragging about her gourmet ice cream while families struggled to put food on the table during the pandemic.

But again, he said that would not have been appropriate.

He then added, “It was quite the opportunity I had in front of me — a debate on populism and its supposed threat to democracy with one of the very people the American populist movement has been most inspired by: Speaker Emerita, Rep. Nancy Pelosi.”

Marshall also pointed to her blatant hypocrisy, slamming her for ignoring the June 2020 insurrection in Oregon at the courthouse while lecturing everyone on the January 6 riot at the Capitol.

One of his more damning statements was agreeing that Trump should have accepted the outcome of the 2020 election, but so too should have Pelosi accepted the outcome of the 2016 election, which she continues to question to this day.

Then came the kill shot, “It turns out I did not have to expose her disdain for ordinary Americans in my speech. She did it herself in hers.”

He is right, of course, because we all know Democrats just pretend to be for the every-man while hoping to keep the elites among the elite and folks like us begging the government for help.

Score one for the good guys!

You can read his complete breakdown of the debate in the New York Post.

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