June 26, 2024

Merchan Partially Lifts Trump Gag Order

Donald Trump’s campaign is still not happy, but I think this report is a big win for Trump the day before the debate.

Judge Merchan has removed, albeit begrudgingly, some of the restrictions from Trump’s hush-money case gag order.

Trump can now discuss the jury and protected witnesses, but the rest of the gag order will remain in place until the appeals process plays out.

Let Him Talk

In his ruling, Merchan noted that since the trial portion of the case is completed, he could not justify keeping the full gag order in place against Trump.

Merchan noted that he had a "strong preference to extend those protections, the Court cannot do so on what is now a different record than what the appellate courts relied upon when they rendered their rulings."

The Trump campaign responded, "Today’s order by Acting Justice Merchan leaves in place portions of the unconstitutional Gag Order, preventing President Trump from speaking freely about Judge Merchan’s disqualifying conflicts and the overwhelming evidence exposing this whole Crooked Joe Biden – directed Witch Hunt."

Believe it or not, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg did not object to the restrictions being removed for Trump before the debate.

And while I realize this is not a complete win for Trump, this is a pretty big deal because you know the CNN moderators and Joe Biden are going to bring this case up during the debate.

Had Merchan kept the full gag order on Trump, he would had to just sit there and take the hits.

At least now, he can talk somewhat freely about the case but he just needs to be careful in regard to those who are still protected under the order, which would include Merchan’s daughter, who you just know Trump is frothing at the mouth to go after for having fundraised off this trial.

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