June 28, 2024

Melania Trump Skips Trump’s Presidential Debate

Get ready for the rumors, folks, because they are about to take on a life of their own.

Thursday night, there was someone noticeably missing from Trump’s support team at the debate.

While Trump had surrogates and staffers there, Melania Trump was not.

Where’s Melania

The marriage rumors of the Trumps have been all over the place since Trump announced.

Melania has not attended a single hearing of Donald Trump’s and quite frankly, I don’t blame her for missing the hush-money case.

She has only attended a handful of fundraisers, and at two of them, Trump was not in attendance.

The Trump campaign was being very coy about who he was attending the debate with Trump, responding, “I have no specific names, but you will find out when he lands in Atlanta.”

When Trump came off stage, there was no Melania to greet him, which got everyone asking where the former first lady was.

When CNN reported that Melania was not in attendance, the campaign shot back, “CNN reporter arrives in Atlanta for the debate and is not accompanied by a spouse or partner. SAD!”

Jill Biden did accompany Joe Biden to the debate, but she first made a stop in Virginia ahead of Trump’s expected appearance to tell voters that Trump is a dictator.

It was a good thing Jill made it to Atlanta because Joe Biden needed her help getting off the stage after the debate was over.

He appeared frozen at his podium until Jill escorted him to the steps, where he gingerly walked down, then went over to shake hands with the moderators.

Trump took the drop-the-mic attitude and simply walked off stage without shaking Trump’s hand or acknowledging the moderators.

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