June 19, 2024

Masterpiece Cakeshop Owner Jack Phillips Back in Court

Jack Phillips, who became nationally famous for denying his services based on his religious beliefs, is back in the news again—or rather, back in the courts again.

Phillips is once again going before the Colorado Supreme Court in what seems like an endless prosecution of the man.

At question is the First Amendment and how far its protections go.

Here We Go Again

If you recall, Phillips refused to make a cake to celebrate a “gender transition.”

Phillips has already been before the Supreme Court once, which ruled he was wrongly targeted over his religious beliefs.

This was in response to his refusal to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple.

So, what happens then? Someone orders a cake for a gender transition knowing full well that Phillips will probably refuse them.

This was clearly a stunt, yet now Phillips must spend time and money defending himself when the case should have been tossed on previous precedent.

Instead, the Colorado lower court and appellate court are again saying that Phillips is in the wrong and that he must seek relief from the Colorado Supreme Court.

Oral arguments have already been heard, but we expect his decision to go much like the previous case, with Phillips once again being forced to take his case to the Supreme Court for relief.

Since the Supreme Court has already ruled on this issue, I would expect SCOTUS to back Phillips in this go around as well.

What bothers me in this case is that the lower courts should have already referred to the SCOTUS precedent, and immediately tossed the case.

The fact the courts are allowing all this to play out will likely mean the end of Phillips’ business at some point.

It would not surprise me at all to see his shop flooded with orders along the same lines, all of them hoping he refuses so they can take him to court and bankrupt him via excessive legal bills.

It just goes to show how biased and activist-like our judiciary has become.

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