June 27, 2024

Liberals Getting Worked Up Over Presidential Immunity Case

This is the final week of the Supreme Court session, and we fully expect the court to hand down its ruling on presidential immunity.

Due to the nature of the ruling, it is likely to be the final, or among the final rulings that the court releases.

The buildup to his had liberals fearmongering that the court would rule in favor of Trump, which would impact several cases that Trump is facing right now.

Getting Worried

I have covered this fairly significantly in the past, so I will do my best to surmise my position here.

Presidential immunity covers a sitting president for acts committed that fall under the purview of the office.

For instance, an errant drone strike would never result in a sitting president being charged with war crimes unless they could prove it was a purposeful act.

A president would never be charged for having pardoned individuals who later committed some heinous crime… that is just not how it works.

This case is specifically about Trump’s Stop the Steal rally and whether his actions were that of a private citizen running for president or the sitting president trying to protect election integrity.

During oral arguments, the court addressed this issue, expressing discontent with the lower courts for not specifically identifying the alleged crimes for which it wanted to charge Trump.

My belief is the court will kick the case back down to the lower courts to do exactly that, then they will retake the case to decide whether those actions were of a president or private citizen-candidate.

When that happens, I do not believe that Trump will be extended immunity in the case.

This, however, has not stopped liberal mouthpieces like former Attorney General Eric Holder from getting people riled up, and there is a reason for this.

Democrats want their liberal base in a frenzy just in case the ruling comes down against them.

They do this because they want them to riot, burn up our streets, then blame it all on the Supreme Court or Trump.

As we get closer to the election, we are going to see the same thing regarding a Trump win, as the threat to Democracy, racist, and homophobic narratives will all be exploited to this end game.

As I have stated many times… the Democrats thrive on chaos. They need it to remain in power, and that is what they are doing here.

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