June 23, 2024

Kash Patel: Paul Ryan failed to tell key GOP figures he had early copy of Steele Dossier

Former President Donald Trump spent much of his first term in office dealing with the bogus fallout from the Russia collusion hoax sparked by the infamous Steele dossier bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign, and now it has emerged that a top figure in the GOP at the time took steps to prevent its exposure as a fraud.

As the Gateway Pundit reports, former Trump administration official Kash Patel has revealed that then-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan was the first person to see a copy of the dossier in 2016, but did not inform investigative authorities, fellow congressional Republicans, or anyone else who arguably should have been told.

Patel lets loose

It was in a message posted to Truth Social on Thursday that Patel unleashed his blockbuster revelation.

“Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House had in his possession the Steele Dossier before he had [Devin Nunes] and I launch Russia Gate Investigation, and never told us (think before anyone knew anything about fake intel, he had his own copy),” his post began.

Patel went on, “I found it on my own then blew up FBI/DOJ. Why didn't he tell his own damn team? Report that fake news.”

Bannon probes further

Subsequent to his Truth Social post, Patel joined Steve Bannon on his War Room program to discuss the situation further, adding even more startling details to the story.

Patel began, “Remember in 2016, let's rewind the tape. It was Russia collusion, Russia collusion, Russia collusion. Then Speaker Payl Ryan enlisted me and Devin Nunes to investigate the Russia collusion.

“Nobody knew what the Steele dossier was in 2016. They had already gone to the federal court and unlawfully surveilled Donald Trump with it. But we didn't find out until after we completed our investigation in 2018, was that the speaker, Paul Ruan, who charged us with investigating Russiagate, was the first guy to ever get a copy of the Steele dossier in 2016,” Patel added.

He went on, “He never told us. He still never admitted it. It finally was admitted in a British court where Christopher Steele was being sued. Just think about it, Steve, We could have asked, 'Where did you get it? Who did you get it from? How as it paid for?' All of these secrets could have come out under this man's very investigation, but he rigged it from the beginning.”

“100% accurate”

Seemingly incredulous about what Patel was conveying, Bannon asked, “Are you telling me and telling this audience in a British court filing that Steele filed under penalty of perjury, he identified that Paul Ryan actually had the Steele dossier before he charged you guys, House Intel, to look into this, and he never informed Devin Nunes, the chairman, of that? That's impossible to believe. Are you sure about this?”

Patel replied, “100% accurate. The Steele dossier was handed to Paul Ryan's chief of staff in 2016.”

The former Trump official went on to declare Ryan a “total coward,” and with this jarring revelation about the timeline regarding the Steele dossier's emergence and the devastating – and undeserved – toll it took on the Trump presidency, many Americans would be inclined to agree with that assessment.

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