June 12, 2024

Kamala Harris calls Supreme Court case over Idaho abortion ban 'F---ed up'

Kamala Harris thinks that she can no longer stay silent over the Supreme Court's abortion case, and her strong language suggests that she's MOVING IN to make herself more visible around these cases.

As a part of that, she's been using extremely vulgar language that some people feel doesn't represent the position of Vice President very well.

"It's f---ed up," Kamala Harris said about the oral arguments in a Supreme Court case over an Idaho abortion ban.

Kamala spoke about the Supreme Court case in a recent fiery interview that also included a lengthy series of admissions about her potty mouth, especially when compared to America's previous leaders.

"I curse more!" Kamala Harris said, comparing herself to previous Vice Presidents. "It’s not a new language to me, and I think when one speaks the language, one should get the pronunciation down. My pronunciation is very good, thank you very much!"

Use of the f-word isn't exactly uncommon in America these days, but an ordinary person saying it is totally different from our Vice President repeating the word in public multiple times.

"Sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open; sometimes they won’t," Kamala Harris recently told a group of young people in an attempt to get them to pursue their dreams. "And then you need to kick that f---ing door down."

She revealed in a recent Rolling Stone interview that she's never been keen on acting with dignity, saying that she's been a swearer and a fighter her entire life.

"I jumped in and ended up getting in a fight with the kid," Harris said when recalling her friend getting picked on in Kindergarten. Kamala May have only been five, but she said she knew it was time to fight."

"I hate bullies. I can’t abide by people who use their power in a way that is intended to diminish other people," Kamala Harris said. Ironically forgetting that she works for and with some of the biggest bullies America has ever seen.

What do you think about Kamala Harris fighting and swearing?

Does it show that she has the guts and toughness that we need, or does it show that she has no clue what's appropriate at any given time?

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