June 28, 2024

Jill Biden Pushing Joe After Disastrous Debate

I don’t think anyone can dispute that the images we saw last night of Joe Biden will be hard for the Democrat incumbent to overcome.

There is a lot to unpack here, but the one narrative that seems pretty clear is that it is Jill Biden driving this train.

That became apparent when she rescued Joe on the stage and hosted the post-debate party for Biden.

It’s Jill

The video of Jill helping Joe off the stage was pathetic, and I am sure that you have seen it by now.

Biden was hanging on to his podium when Jill came rushing out to give him a big hug for a job "well done."

Then she had to carefully guide him down the single step and over to the debate moderators to shake hands.

Meanwhile, Trump did a drop-the-mic moment and simply walked off the stage without shaking Biden’s hand or even acknowledging the debate moderators, both of whom have historically trashed Trump.

For me, the real kicker came in the post-debate party, where Jill applauded her puppet husband for “answering all the questions.”

Tell me if this is the man you want running the White House…

I would also like to note that while Joe and Jill Biden accused Donald Trump of lying, Joe Biden told the biggest lie of the night.

Biden claimed that not a single soldier had died under his watch, which is obviously not true.

Aside from the deaths of operators in special forces since Joe Biden has been in office, he ignored the deaths of the 13 soldiers who died in Afghanistan during his disastrous withdrawal.

There have also been numerous training deaths, but since they do not count toward wartime death tolls, I guess Joe Biden thought it was also okay to ignore them.

It was a pathetic performance, but at least now we know who is responsible for elderly abuse, that being Jill Biden.

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