June 12, 2024

Hunter Biden and Joe embrace on tarmac after gun trial guilty verdict

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of three felonies in his Delaware gun crimes trial.

Apparently, Joe Biden still loves him anyway.

Hunter and his father were photographed hugging each other shortly after a "Delaware jury unanimously voted to convict Joe Biden ’s son of two counts of lying on a federal form to buy a gun, and one count of possessing the firearm while abusing drugs."

This is the first time in America's history that a current President's child has been found guilty of a felony.

Judge Maryellen Nereika is the person overseeing the case, and she has a MASSIVE job to do when it comes to deciding Hunter's sentence for the crimes.

The maximum could be as high as 25 years in prison and a $250,000 fine, although it is HIGHLY unlikely that anything like that happens to Hunter Biden, for at least three reasons:

1) His status in America's First Family will probably gain him preferential treatment. That's how America works. Money and power talk, and we can do nothing about it.

2) The typical sentence for anyone is usually much less than the maximum. The very definition of "maximum" indicates that the number will not usually be that high.

3) Although we know Hunter's been committing crimes for years, this is technically his first offense, so we expect that to be taken into account.

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden were photographed meeting after the verdict came down.

The two emotionally hugged on the tarmac of the Delaware Air National Guard.

After the initial hug, the president brought Hunter Biden back in and held onto him for at least five seconds while whispering into his son's ear.

Biden then embraced Hunter's wife, Melissa Cohen.

After that, Joe bent down and kissed the couple's son on the head.

Hunter Biden may be guilty, but Joe Biden doesn't appear to be abandoning him.

Some people might think it's strange, considering he's demanded America shouldn't support Trump because Donald was convicted of felonies.

Like usual, the Biden family has one set of rules for everyone else, and another set of rules that they choose to live by.

If you are interested in learning more about the details of this story, please feel free to click on the source link here.

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