June 28, 2024

Former Spokesperson for First Lady Rips Biden Campaign

Michael LaRosa is a former member of Jill Biden’s communications team.

He is not happy at all with the way the Biden campaign is being run.

However, after seeing that debacle last night, he may want to take his critique back.

Not Very Good

LaRosa believes that Biden should be out there more, damned the Biden gaffes.

He stated, "I don't think anybody is satisfied right now.

"Look, after the first debate four years ago, we knew, we saw the data move, we saw it change we knew we won the debate we knew we were probably going to win but the mood of the country is very different now and there's a lot riding on tonight.

“There's a lot of pressure on the president. He does have to pull away at some point."

In another interview, LaRosa had stated, "Everything looks and feels so choreographed, scripted and controlled that it doesn’t afford him the opportunities to show off his strengths — humor, empathy, and compassion.

"Relatability is his superpower, but you can only relate to someone when their humanity is exposed. That means flaws, mistakes and everything else that comes with imperfection.

"Those who have known him over the years said he remains at heart the same person… But many, including some on his own team, assume the limits on his public interactions are meant to protect him from age-related mistakes.

"There has been simmering discontent within his administration among those who think the president’s inner circle goes too far in shielding him from public exposure."

He would be dead on if Joe Biden could make an appearance without freezing up like a deer in the headlights or stop staring straight ahead like an empty vessel.

These are not just gaffes that we are seeing from Biden, but clear mental decline.

Last night, Democrats were literally putting their head in their hands in disbelief at how badly Biden imploded after a full week of rest and prep for that debate.

The debate was a disaster, even though we know the influencers will try to spin it otherwise.

Americans saw for themselves just how bad Biden is on Thursday night, and that impression will be tough to shake.

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