June 18, 2024

DOJ Loses Case Against Casino Mogul Steve Wynn

The Department of Justice has lost a case in trying to go after yet another Republican.

The DOJ had appealed a ruling in a foreign agent case against Wynn, who currently served as the finance chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) from 2017-18.

Its efforts were for naught, however, as the appellate court has tossed the appeal.

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Wynn made his money in the casino industry building some of the most lavish casinos of the time.

When The Mirage was first built in Las Vegas, the strip had seen nothing like it, and Wynn continued his innovations when he opened Wynn Las Legas and Encore Las Vegas.

Eventually, Wynn was forced out after sexual misconduct allegations were made against him, stepping down as CEO of Wynn Resorts and RNC Finance Chair in 2018.

That was step one of the attacks against him, with step two being the DOJ going after Wynn for not having filed as a foreign agent for pressing then-President Donald Trump to help extradite Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, a government critic who had sought asylum in the U.S.

This case was the first Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) that had been brought by the government in decades, but it would not be the last.

Wynn denied having acted as a foreign agent, and the DOJ lost the case in the lower courts. Now, the appellate court has tossed the case.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled, “Even accepting the government’s allegations as true, Wynn long ago ceased acting as a foreign agent, he has no present obligation to register.”

One of Wynn’s attorneys, Bob Luskin, stated, “Without commenting on the specifics, we are delighted with the result. It is a well-deserved finish to a long ordeal for our client.”

This is yet another loss by a weaponized DOJ. My only wish is that I could live long enough to see how history judges this administration for its cowardly acts in an effort to stay in power.

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