June 16, 2024

Book: Trump Claimed Joan Rivers Voted In 2016 Election Despite 2014 Death

In an astonishing revelation from the soon-to-be-released book, Apprentice in Wonderland, former President Donald Trump is claimed to have stated that comedienne Joan Rivers, who passed away in 2014, voted for him in the 2016 presidential election.

This assertion has stirred controversy as it seemingly contradicts the undeniable fact that Rivers died two years prior to the election, as the Daily Mail reports.

The forthcoming book details a conversation between Donald Trump and Ramin Setoodeh, the co-editor-in-chief of Variety, in which Trump made the startling claim. Trump's assertion comes amid previous allegations by his team that deceased individuals had illegally voted in the 2020 elections -- claims that were widely contested.

Trump's Relationship with Joan Rivers and Celebrity Apprentice

Rivers, known for her wit and piercing humor, won Season 8 of The Apprentice, a reality show hosted by Trump, back in 2009. Her victory on the show marked a high point in a relationship that included not only Trump but also Hillary Clinton, with whom Rivers shared a good rapport.

Trump, reflecting on the days of The Apprentice, expressed dissatisfaction with the rebranding of the show to Celebrity Apprentice. He stated, "I don't even call it The Celebrity Apprentice, I just call it The Apprentice. I always called it The Apprentice purposefully, because it was The Apprentice. I thought it was a good variety, but I just call it The Apprentice," highlighting his preference for the original title.

Controversies and Conflicts: From Showbiz to Politics

The discussion about Joan Rivers arose unexpectedly as Trump transitioned from discussing her daughter Melissa Rivers' dismissal from Celebrity Apprentice 2. He shared, "Joan was so angry. She went crazy when I fired the daughter. Joan loved Melissa more than anything she's ever loved before. She thought Melissa was the end-all, and she went totally crazy in defense of her daughter," illustrating the intensity of Rivers' reaction.

Despite the tumultuous events surrounding Melissa's firing, Trump boasted of Joan Rivers' admiration for his achievements on the show. "Despite the anger about Melissa, she was a big fan! She said, 'Nobody else that I've met could have done what you did.' She meant it too," Trump recalled.

Presidential Aspirations Influenced by Media and Celebrity

Joan Rivers herself had once speculated on Trump's presidential capabilities during an appearance on "Watch What Happens Live," following his tease of a 2012 presidential bid. She expressed that Trump would have made a great president, a sentiment that seemed to echo throughout their interactions.

The quality of celebrities on Celebrity Apprentice was even mocked by President Barack Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner, an event that reportedly spurred Trump's decision to run for president in the next election. Obama's jab at the celebrity lineup may have added fuel to Trump's political ambitions.

Speculations on Joan Rivers' Political Allegiances

Despite Joan Rivers' public expressions of support, her daughter Melissa Rivers in 2017 shed light on her mother's likely political leanings. "I think in the beginning she would have been like, 'Yes, great, great, great super,' and then she would have been like, 'Oh, s***,'" Melissa speculated about her mother's initial reaction to Trump's candidacy.

However, Melissa concluded that despite her mother's early enthusiasm, Joan Rivers would have ultimately supported Hillary Clinton in the presidential race. This revelation adds another layer to the complex narrative of Joan Rivers' legacy and her interactions with political figures.

Unraveling the Truth Behind Trump's Unusual Claim

The controversial claim about Joan Rivers' supposed posthumous vote for Donald Trump encapsulates a broader debate about integrity in electoral processes and the potential misuse of celebrity endorsements in political narratives. Trump's statement not only stirs questions about the veracity of past election controversies but also highlights the persistent challenges in protecting the sanctity of electoral processes.

In sum, Apprentice in Wonderland not only revisits the intriguing dynamics between Donald Trump and Joan Rivers but also reignites discussions on the credibility of election outcomes and the role of celebrities in American politics.

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