June 18, 2024

As secretary of state, John Kerry used government email alias, whistleblowers say

Whistleblowers have informed Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson that former Secretary of State John Kerry utilized a government email address with a pseudonym.

According to the reports making their way through Capitol Hill, this was done while the Obama administration official was serving as the nation's top diplomat, as Fox News reported.

Fox News Digital has obtained a letter from Grassley, R-Iowa, and Johnson, R-Wis., sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken. The letter requests information regarding whether Kerry adhered to federal records law during his tenure as secretary of state.

From the Insider

Whistleblowers informed Grassley and Johnson that Kerry utilized the email address "" while operating in his official capacity.

"We want to know whether then-Secretary Kerry properly complied with all federal records laws and regulations with respect to his official email communications and whether responses to relevant Freedom of Information Act requests have properly included that email address in productions to requestors," according to their letter.

During the investigations into the improper use of a non-government server for government business by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the senators have been expressing concerns about the State Department's compliance — or lack thereof — with federal records laws since 2015.

They also noted that they have been raising concerns about President Biden's use of a non-government email while serving as vice president, as well as pseudonymous government emails for "official business," and whether he complied with federal records laws since July 2021.

"To-date, the Biden administration has failed to address Joe Biden’s compliance with federal records laws," they wrote.

The Context

All of this information came to light, making its way to the desk of the current chief diplomatic officer, just weeks after the senators mentioned above were told that Kerry and the department under his charge, "actively interfered" to prevent the FBI from doing its job.

Specifically, Kerry is accused of preventing the FBI from executing arrest warrants on those who entered the United States illegally and were allegedly supporting Iranian financial efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction.

Grassley and Johnson reminded Blinken of their questions about Kerry’s alleged "extensive, consistent, and successful interference and obstruction of the FBI’s efforts to arrest Iranian terrorists because of his desire to cement the failed Iran Nuclear Deal between the Obama/Biden administration and the Iranian government."

Grassley spoke with Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iran's foreign minister, after Kerry left office and asked whether Kerry may have mishandled classified information, and while the issue isn't yet settled, the additional eyes on the case are a start toward fixing corruption at some of the highest levels in Washington.

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