May 22, 2024

Another Top Staffer for Speaker Johnson Resigns

Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has a retainment problem in his office.

Johnson is already operating on a very small leash from the GOP members of the House, but now he is doing it with fewer staff.

Yet another high-ranking official in his office has announced his departure.

See Ya!

Raj Shah, Speaker Johnson’s Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, will be leaving Johnson’s office soon.

The report was first broken by Axios, but now it is blowing up considering other recent departures from Johnson’s office.

When Breitbart contacted Shah for confirmation on the report, Shah did not deny his departure; he only asked that Breitbart hold the story, which it declined to do.

Johnson, however, did speak to Axios on the matter, stating, “Because of the unprecedented circumstances under which I became Speaker, I needed an experienced leader with talent and gravitas to build and drive our message.

“I am grateful Raj agreed to step up and serve. He has become a trusted advisor and built an incredible communications team. Raj has fulfilled his commitment to us and I wish him continued success.”

Shah declined to talk to Breitbart but did tell Axios, “It’s an honor to serve Speaker Johnson, especially at such a historic time.

“He has shown tremendous leadership navigating the conference through difficult issues. Speaker Johnson has developed an authentic brand of a strong leader willing to make tough calls and place our nation and the institution first.”

Anang Mittal, who had served as the Head of Digital for Johnson, also recently left.

That was a different situation, however, as Mittal was facing complaints of unprofessional behavior and bad performance.

Another report earlier this week said three Johnson policy staffers were leaving at the end of this month.

Johnson is a sinking ship at this point, as I believe he has zero chance of holding the gavel if the GOP manages to hold the House in the next term, which will be difficult considering the chaos that has been taking place in the House since the GOP won it during the 2022 cycle.

House Republicans really need to get on the same page and make it through this term. If they do hold the House, they better get together to identify a Speaker who will respect their demands and keep everyone on the same page moving forward.

As conservatives, we just cannot afford this much dysfunction with such a slim majority and a very important election just six months away.

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